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Peter D. Baker, Urban Fantasy Author

It's the end of 2023, and what a way to end it then with a brand new feature!

This month's author dabbles in the paranormal, urban and not so jolly side of genres. Showing off the work of Peter D. Baker.


Peter D. Baker is the Seattle-based author of the new novel Rain City Gothic. After fifteen years of writing nonfiction and ghostwriting in newspapers and publications in the fitness industry, Peter decided he had other stories to tell, with Rain City Gothic being the first of many.

When he’s not writing you can find him living an autistically routined life that includes watching the same movies on repeat, eating rice, lifting weights, and spending time with his partner and dog.


Get to Know the Author

1. When did your writing journey begin? What was the inspiring moment?

I wanna say it started when I read Candide by Voltaire and Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I liked that they were the first two books to make me audibly laugh while reading them. Then, in college, when I was getting my religion degree, I had to read some texts by some of my professors. They weren’t your usual boring and dry academic texts. They were engaging, fun, and really interesting.

2. What does your writing process look like? Pantser, planner, or plantser?

It looks like a mess, to be honest. But, I saw a video of Sylvester Stallone talking about his process, and it was uncomplicated and simple, but highly effective. He talked about just writing down his story beats on paper and getting a draft done. And that method is what I do now and it’s highly effective. And it leaves room for deviation which is nice, too.

3. What was your biggest challenge pursuing your author dream?

Same challenge as anything you do on your own. You have to implement your own structure, be okay with failure, and constantly be aware that you will be providing your own security.

4. What are your author hopes for the future? Where do you see your writing career going in the next 5 years?

I’d like a TV show based on the Belascoe family and to keep the series going. Where do I see your writing career going in the next 5 years? Hopefully somewhere good.

5. If your book was a playlist, what artists/songs would be on it?

I’d probably throw a lot of Prince on there, because he’s my favorite. There’d also be lots of gritty rock music, a touch of industrial music, some Type O Negative, Chopin, and other classical artists as well.


All the Things Peter D. Baker

Thanks so much to Peter for giving us the scoop inside his author life. You can find links to all things Peter below. Until next time, stay classy 😎.

She’s trained with him. She’s hunted with him. She’s killed with him.

Now he’s missing.

After the loss of her mother years ago, he is all she has left, and she will do whatever she can to find him.

They had made a pact, a rule never to be broken: If we don't hear anything after three days, we investigate.

Three days passed.

Now Bethany must take all her years of training, all the skills she developed, and leave the place she’s called home her whole life.

What begins as a simple search and rescue soon turns into a violent meandering through the darkest recesses of the Pacific Northwest underworld as Bethany pieces together cryptic clues from her father's journal. Far from everything and everyone she knows and loves, Bethany must navigate this realm of secrets and peril—and for the first time, she must do it alone. Every step brings her closer to the truth but closer to danger. This is the way of things when infernal cults and hellish fiends are involved. Vampires are not forgiving.

Rain City Gothic is a story of devotion, betrayal, and redemption. It is a story of the human spirit and the lengths we will go to save the ones we love.

Check out where to hang with Peter: Instagram Goodreads

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